You’ll never find a better way to make money than this… It’s the ultimate high profit business…

How To Make $10,000 - $35,000+ Per Month With Simple Information Products

With This Simple Business You Can Lead
A Very Different Life Than You Do Now!

Dear friend, 

Imagine a business where you can make a lot of money right from the warmth and comfort of your home. A business where seriously high incomes are being made from providing access to simple information products. And a business which can provide you with a fabulous lifestyle. In fact, picture this:

It’s Monday morning. You wake up in your own time, without an alarm clock and without rushing around to get to work. Instead, you enjoy a leisurely breakfast and watch the morning news on TV.  When you’re ready, you begin checking your email. Message after message confirms that yet another sale was made over the weekend…

… By the time you’ve finished checking your emails. Out comes your calculator. Three minutes later you realize you have sales totaling $2,770.37 and this amount is already on its way to your bank account. Now imagine that every day starts in much the same way.

The following week, instead of struggling to work like most people, you have just arranged to have a special promotion be sent to a specific group of people. That’s it … You know you’re going to make money. The only real question is, how much? Over the next couple of weeks, you could be turning over anywhere up to $5,000, $10,000, and even $20,000+.

That sounds incredible I know. But that is exactly what can and does happen, when you deal in these types of simple information products from home. And please don’t think that these figures are exaggerated… In a moment you’ll read about someone who’s regularly banks over $10,000+ from the sale of these types of products in a single day.

In a moment, I’m going to tell you exactly what this business is … and how it’s possible for you to start with nothing and begin making anything up to $10,000 - $35,000 per month for yourself with simple information products … and how this business can provide you with the freedom to live and work virtually anywhere you choose in the world. 

But first, I want to introduce you to someone who has proved how enormously lucrative this business is and to say a few words myself about my own experience. 

You Can Lead An Extremely
Comfortable Life With This Simple
Home-Based Business.

First, I want you to know that this is an absolutely genuine and honest business. You’ll be dealing in real products which can provide you with an excellent income. This has nothing to do with MLM, Network Marketing, (or being asked to sell anything to your friends or family)…  Or trying to sell unwanted products on Amazon. This is a business where the products you distribute have definite end-users. Real products, real customers and real money.

Now, while this might not make you a millionaire overnight, it can certainly provide you with the kind of money that leads to a very comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle.

Indeed, because of the very high profits in this business, even mediocre success could enable you to enjoy several overseas holidays … to own a luxury car … to live in a nice, detached property … and to give you access to loads of disposable cash.

As for myself, I have made a comfortable living from this business for years now despite the fact that I work alone, from my home, and I’m only operating this in a very, very small way.

It pays me well, but above everything else it allows me to enjoy a great deal of comfort and freedom in my life. I am able to work when I want and how often I want. My life is in my control. It’s a great feeling and one you could soon be experiencing for yourself.

However, there are others doing far, far better. One such person is Nick James* who has really opened my eyes as to just how much can be made. He is an absolute master at making significant sums of money from this business.

In fact, he probably knows more about profiting about this type of business than just about anyone else I know. Though he started off in a small way, he has built up his home-based business using a very precise system. Today, with that business, he is now able to generate significant sums of money. Let’s take a look at some of his ACTUAL results:

Oct 1st 2021 - $1,204.76

Oct 2nd 2021 - $1,138.72

Oct 3rd 2021 - $1,072.13

Oct 4th 2021 - $1,151.11

Oct 5th 2021 - $1,421.79

Oct 6th 2021 - $915.69

Oct 7th 2021 - $2,106.62

Oct 8th 2021 - $1,218.90

Oct 9th 2021 - $1,303.01

Oct 10th 2021 - $2,387.55

Oct 11th 2021 - $1204.76

Oct 12th  2021 - $1138.72

Oct 13th  2021 - $1138.72

Oct 14th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 15th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 16th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 17th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 18th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 19th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 20th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 21st 2021 - $1204.76

Oct 22nd 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 23rd 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 24th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 25th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 26th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 27th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 28th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 29th 2021 - $1138.72

Oct 30th 2021 - $1138.72

30 DAY TOTAL - $31,953.05

That’s an average of $1,065.10 banked on each of those days. Now I want to emphasize that these figures are real. They’re not hyped up in any way. In anything this was a quiet time. I could easily have picked a busier time but why bother? They are pretty impressive enough anyway right? The point is these figures are REAL. They are correct down to the last cent…

Of course, these sums do not represent his personal profit on those days. What we’re looking at here is the amounts of money that were taken on each day. The point I’m trying to make at this point is just how much can easily be generated by selling simple information products (more on this in a moment) and what is a very simple business. 

You Could Make Enough Money To Take A 3-4 Month Vacation Every Year

I don’t think there is a better way to make money than by selling simple information products. It’s very exciting, relaxing, hassle-free and a lot of fun. There’s nothing quite like the buzz you’ll get checking your emails each morning and discovering exactly how much money you made while sleeping. Money remember, that even gets deposited automatically into your bank account. 

You’ll feel you’re at last getting somewhere in life. You’ll feel successful. I guess the truth is, it just makes you feel very good about yourself.

It’s a fabulous business to be in and a great way of life. Certainly, it beats working for someone else (especially in a job you don’t like very much). And I don’t know of another business in the world, which can provide you with so much freedom. For instance, how would you like to be able to run your business for just 2-3 months of the year and then take a super long vacation… Then repeat that process again and again.

That’s precisely what Nick James and his wife Kate did last year. Instead of working hard like most people, they spent much of their time ‘out and about’ looking for (and then purchasing and renovating) their new $1.65m luxury countryside home. Not a bad lifestyle is it?

And it’s one you could be enjoying for yourself because this business is neither difficult nor complex to understand or operate. The products are readily available, or easy to create yourself, depending how you want to run the business.

You can start without risking much effort or capital. Build up your income slowly and steadily if you want. Enjoy positive cash-flow. You can operate this when you want, even in your spare time. You have no boss, no one telling you what to do. You have complete independence. There’s no travelling. It’s very easy to set up. There’s no face-to-face or telephone selling necessary. And of course, it can be run from anywhere in the world that has internet access. Be that at home, your local Starbucks coffeeshop or while on vacation somewhere a little more exotic.

Over $1,000,000 Came In Through The Post With Just One Product.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? That’s because it is great. And it’s all possible when you deal in a special line of simple products. Now before I go on, don’t make any presumptions about making money with simple information products. And please do not confuse this with other home-based business opportunities. This is different. We’re not talking about pin money here. We’re talking about running a business of your own which can realistically turnover $10,000+ a month. 

Later I’ll illustrate exactly what I mean.

I doubt if many people realize just how much money can be made with a simple home-based business such as the one you’ll be reading about. Take Nick for example. Just one of these simple information products brought in around $1,000,000 through the system he developed. Make no mistake, simple information products they may be, but they are also exceptionally profitable … and profitable enough to provide you with a fabulous lifestyle. 

Which really brings me on to the point of this letter, because it’s this remarkably profitable system which I’d like to introduce you to. 

A New Breakthrough Programme Called 

Information Publishing PROFITS -  How To Make $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products

A program which I think could well change your life. What we’re talking about here is a professional business system which reveals a very genuine way for you to enjoy a comfortable life. A business, remember, where people can, and do, make up to $10.000+ a month selling simple information products.

There is no simpler business you can run … Or one which works so consistently. Indeed, primarily there are just seven steps involved and really all the people making the money in this business are doing, is repeating those same seven steps again and again.

How To Really Make $10,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Information Products

What makes this so different from anything else you’ve probably seen or read about before, is that it details a very precise way for you to make money. This isn’t just an information package about the business in general, it’s the actual system. A complete home study course it you like.

It tells you about the products; how to create them yourself, or where to get them ready-made; and exactly what you need to do to make a good living from them. The type of products we’re talking about, by the way, are simple information based products including Books; Manuals; Reports; Courses; Membership Sites; Newsletters; Video Courses;  etc. 

The Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. home study course even includes real-life examples for you to follow. There are very few people who explain this in such detail. Most tell you how to operate their business but don’t actually show you how they are personally making money themselves. They don’t take you by the hand and walk you through an actual deal from selecting or sourcing a product, to receiving your first burst of new orders.

And that’s an important point because, frankly, the easiest and quickest way to achieve financial success is simply to copy a day-by-day method that someone else has already proven to work consistently. Not something that could work, but something that does work.

From what I can see, most of what’s on the market has been written by people that either don’t actually run the business themselves or are not making money from it. While this new breakthrough, Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. home study course differs markedly here. This has been created by someone, remember, who has already generated millions of dollars from this business, using the exact same system revealed in the program.

And once you know how it operates, you will see how it can be fairly easy for you to have a business turning over $10,000+ per month … year after year after year. I know for some that talk of this kind of money from a small business may seem unrealistic. But I want you to really think about it for a moment, because then you’ll quickly appreciate that it doesn’t actually take much to reach this level. 

It Doesn’t Take Much To Turnover
$10,000+ Per Month

Let’s take a look at a hypothetical example to illustrate my point. Suppose the particular product you were dealing in was retailing at $47. Do you realize that you’d need only 213 sales per month to generate $10,011 Per Month? Yes, just 213 sales … and that’s with one product. You may, of course, be dealing in several.

And once you’ve built your business up, and if you operate the system as described in the programme, you’ll find that generating that kind of money can come about very quickly. At such a stage, 213 sales for a $47 product can easily be achieved within 3-4 days. So, it really shouldn’t surprise anyone how some individuals can turnover far, far more than $10,000+ per month. The actual profit will of course vary from project to project. But as the mark-up on these type of products can be 1,000% or more, it’s not difficult to see why this business is so lucrative. 

Obviously, the figures I’ve used here are arbitrary. But they do illustrate the point I am trying to make. Just a few sales can generate fairly decent amounts of money when you deal with these types of high profit info products. And it doesn’t take too much imagination for you to picture how huge amounts of money are made in this business either. 

Of course, no one can guarantee your income, this is a real business remember that exists in the real world. No genuine business, be it this one or a McDonalds franchise, can guarantee what you are going to do with your business. But what both can do is offer a system and business that has been proven to work.

Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. -  How To Make $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products is such a system. For the first time it really tells you exactly how money is made with simple information publishing business. Something which I think you’ll find easier than you could possibly imagine. 

So how can you get a hold of this remarkable home study course? How can you get a hold of a program that truly can change your life? Well, I’ll tell you in a second, but let me first very briefly run through just a few of the things you’ll learn.

Where To Get An Endless Stream Of Profitable Products

You’ll be shown which products to trade in and where and how to find an almost endless stream of ideas, you’ll also be shown where to find a reliable supply of ready-made products you can immediately start profiting from. This in my opinion is the key to banking up to $10,000+ per month and probably why so many individuals in the know are doing so very well for themselves. There are very few people who actually realize how easy it is to find and get a hold of these types of ready-made products. 

But, so you’ll be left in no doubt whatsoever, the program will even go through the whole process from scratch. You’ll see exactly how it’s done by walking you through the exact 7-step system. 

What do I mean? 

An actual product will be selected, the marketing system will be applied, and the results published so you can see for yourself just how much money is made. 

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen on single person/company promoting a home business that’s ever had the confidence to do this. However, it’s included in this remarkable new home study course because, the truth is, not only does the business and the system work, it really is easy to find products opportunities and to make money from them. 

I’m sure if more people realized just how straightforward this business was, there would be a lot more people doing this right now.

You’ll Be Shown How To Have Your Own Products Created

You’ll also be shown how to very easily create your own unique products in days (don’t worry, you don’t have to make anything from scratch) … and how, by doing something with them, you could make a fortune with absolutely no work on your part whatsoever (after you do what I’ll show you that is). I love this technique.

You’ll be shown how easy it is to become a profitable Global Trader in these products. It’s another aspect of this business which can lead you to the jet-set lifestyle of an international business owner. Very exciting. The home study course will reveal how these international income opportunities are developed and rolled out for almost instant profits

You’ll see what works, and what doesn’t. And, you have permission to freely use the resources revealed in the home study course to create your own unique powerful products and make them available to customers all over the world. After all, why limit yourself to $10,000+ per month by just operating in the USA, when you could make ten times as much trading in these products globally. It’s all done using your laptop computer in a totally seamless and straightforward way. 

Incidentally, you don’t have to actually trade overseas personally. There are far easier ways of becoming a highly-paid global trader without ever needing ‘to have boots on the ground’ yourself.

It’s So Small It Could Fit In Your Pocket, But This Can Become Your Fastest Route To Early Retirement And A More Relaxing Lifestyle

You’ll be shown exactly how to create something from scratch which could quickly be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) to you either directly, or by making it available to others to use on a temporary basis. Nick has done this himself. 

He has quickly followed this fool-proof method and has now created an asset (for want of a better word) which has been instrumental in generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra revenues. By the way, this asset isn’t a product … and it can be far, far more valuable than your car or your home. Yet intriguingly, if you wanted to, you could carry it around with you in your pocket. 

You’ll also be shown how to use the asset you’ll create in a simple way to really boost your profits. Nick has done this so effectively that he’s had many months which have brought him in an extra $150,000+.

The 70 Year Old System Worth Billions Every Year

You’ll discover probably the surest way of becoming wealthy in the world today. It’s a 70 year-old system that can generate billions of dollars every year. I don’t think there’s anyone who will not find this absolutely fascinating. Certainly it’s going to make you look at what you do with your business in a whole new way. 

You Can Even Sell At A Loss and Still Make Big Profits

You’ll discover something quite unique about this business. How it’s possible to distribute these products at a loss, yet still end up with a hefty profit. You can do this by using a powerful technique used in retail stores, but works equally as well when you sell simple info products in the way I’m suggesting.

Once set-up, this method can also enable you to make a great deal of money with once again, virtually no work on your part. I know that statement seems incredulous, but it is entirely true I promise you.

Picture Yourself Making $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products.

As you would have gathered from that brief list, Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. - How To Make $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products is a unique home study course. You just won’t find it anywhere else. As soon as you begin reading it, you’ll instantly know that you’ve finally discover a truly remarkable business system which really can provide you with a brilliant lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about. 

Actually, when I think about the amount of money individuals in this industry can make, I should imagine it’s slightly embarrassing. We all like others to think that what we do must be very difficult or give the impression that we must be very clever. The truth is, it’s embarrassingly straightforward to make money in this business when you know how. 

And the real beauty of this unique business system is that hardly anything changes from one year to the next. Sure, some tactics might come and go… But, the foundational principles always remain the same. 

This means, once you know how much money can be made in this business, you can do the same thing again as often as you want. It’s amazing how this works consistently month after month, year after year. 

So why tell everyone? In reality, only a relatively small group of individuals will ever see the actual system. Secondly, it’s by invitation only, this home study course has never been advertised in any publication. And thirdly, as you’ll realize when you study the system in the comfort and privacy of your own home, creating your own profitable home-based business with simple information products isn’t actually going to affect anyone else.

No one individual could possibly even scratch the surface of this multi-billion dollar industry. By its very nature this business has the potential to work for practically anyone in many different niche markets in almost any country in the world. Furthermore, there is an almost inexhaustible line of these types of products and customers to distribute them to. 

So, what’s the deal? 

Exactly how much is the programme? Perhaps we should ask you, how much would you be willing to pay for a proven method of increasing your personal wealth? Take another look at some actual single day deposits again: $2,106.62, $1,218.90, $1,303.01, $2,387.55 etc. Has an opportunity you’ve ever entered into even had the realistic potential to produce results like these?

So, think about it, how much would you be willing to invest in a business that has the realistic potential to bring you wealth, security, peace of mind, freedom and financial independence? Well don’t worry, you’re not going to be asked for a fortune. eShowcase Inc., don’t want anyone to feel they are being priced out, or, as I mentioned, concerned about sending off for this package. Which is why this 30 day guaranteed programme can be yours to review and study at your leisure for only $97+ S&H

In a minute I'll tell you exactly what you have to do to get your hands on this exclusive money-making package.

But before I forget, let me tell you about TWO EXTRA BONUSES you’ll receive to accompany the core Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. training manual, …COMPLETELY FREE… But only if you place your order within the next 3 DAYS.

FREE Extra  Bonus One:
Information Publishing PROFITS
Keynote Presentation Video

Captured LIVE on Video -

The full and unedited 90-minute keynote presentation that Nick James recently made from his home studio for his private students whereby his introduced everyone to his highly profitable home-based information publishing business strategy in a highly entertaining and no-nonsense approach that clearly demonstrates just how enjoyable yet lucrative this business truly is. 

During the presentation he fully explained the Information Publishing business from scratch and exactly how you can quickly get started in this highly profitable business, no matter what your current position.

HINT… Nick dropped out of school and was teased for being dyslexic. He would be the first to admit that he does not like reading or writing, 

yet that has not stopped him from making his personal fortune from selling information products. In fact, it took him less than 3-years to generate his first million dollars with this system, and has enjoyed generating much more since then.

Believe me you do not want to miss out on watching this video and because you can't get it anywhere else… it’s worth the price of the package alone.

FREE Extra  Bonus Two:
Quick-Start Accessory Pack

In addition to the Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. to everything already mentioned you will also receive an additional package of high value resources to really help you to hit the ground running and making maximum money with selling simple info products in the minimal amount of time possible. Including:

Special Report 1: An additional xx-page report titled “Where To Find A Never Ending Supply Of Ready-Made Products To Sell” which will take you through an additional 2-step process and could quickly find you an unlimited supply of ready-made products to profit from. 

Special Report 2: Another additional 20-page report titled “Where To Find Lists Of Hungry Customers Eager To Buy Your Products!” which will take you through an additional 6-step marketing process which could expose your product to hundreds or thousands of laser-targeted prospects within just 5-7 days and setting your promotional campaign live.

Special Report 3: An additional 40-page report titled “How To Joint Venture With Other Information Publishers For Win-Win Results” which will explain how to find, approach and get a ‘yes’ response from other Information Publisher to create additional profits. 

Cheat Sheet: An ‘at-a-glance-summary’ of the entire Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. system in the form of a professionally laid out Infographic which you can put up on the wall in your home office. Looking at this once-a-day could be all it takes to keep you on track just like it does for me. To the point remember, you too could soon be generating anywhere between $10,000 - $35,000 per month from simple information products. How would you feel if you had that type of money coming into your bank account each month too?

Rolodex Of Recommended Resources: Instantly know which resources and providers to go to for virtually anything you will ever need for your information publishing business. Never be left guess where to go or what to use to get a simple job done.

Glossary Of Terms: Like any business, the information publishing business also has its own unique language. This handy jargon buster will help you to cut through any unfamiliar terms and have you sounding like a seasoned professional in no time at all. 

As you can see, this extra bonus video and the quick start pack is jam packed with some handy accessories and resources to help you get started with your new Information publishing business in the shortest amount of time. If I sold these bonus items separately, (or as an upsell)... I could easily ask for an additional $147…

… But, instead, I’d rather give you everything you need in one handy package and include these extra items with my compliments … As a free fast-action bonus, for taking prompt action and securing your copy of the Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. today (and certainly within the next 3 days).

However, despite all this, I'd still like to give you the chance to review the complete Information Publishing PROFITS home study course in privacy of your own home WITHOUT ANY RISK OR OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER.

You’ve Got Nothing To Lose …
Risk-Free Trial Offer

The publishers of this package, eShowcase Inc., feel that when you see this you are going to be genuinely impressed. Because it is different. They also want you to feel comfortable about investing in the Information Publishing PROFITS - How To Make $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products home study course. So, they are removing all obstacles by providing a very strong money back guarantee. 

You can review the program without risk or obligation for a full 30 Days. If you decide it’s not for you just it back for a full refund on the purchase price. Nothing complicated or hidden and no silly clauses or conditions. It’s as simple and honest as that. 

Start A Real Business Today And Enjoy The Thrill Of Making $10,000 - $35,000 + Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products

But now it’s time for you to decide what you want to do. You’ve just read about a way of making enough money for you to enjoy an extremely comfortable lifestyle. A business which cannot only pay well, but can offer you the financial independence and freedom to live the way you choose to.

No boss, no one looking over your shoulder. You could work at home, when you want and as often as you want. You’ll be your own person, free to do as you please. If you decide to take the day off, you … if you decide to take a couple of weeks off in the sun, you can. You don’t need anyone’s permission and, even with a moderately successful business, you’ll have more than enough money to do the things you want. It’s a great, great life.

This is a wonderful business to be in. It can provide you with a new financially, relatively stress-free lifestyle where you could enjoy money in your pocket and plenty of disposable cash in the bank. Making money with simple information products has been one of the most consistent money-makers in the world. One of the few businesses which can really make you wealthy.

“How Would You Like To Turn £300
into £1.12 Million?”

Take Charles Abbott for example. Only recently I was reading about how he started his information publishing business with a little over £300, yet quickly enjoyed massive success:

“That business earned £25,000*2 net profit the first month; £50,000 net profit the second month; £130,000 net profit the third - and went on to earn £1,125,000 net profit in the first year…”

[source: The Millionaire Mindset]

Time and time again people like Charles Abbott have proved that making money through the mail is one of the quickest routes to financial independence. That’s just a fact. 

But of course, nothing is going to happen, if you don’t take action. So be sure to claim your copy of this mazing home study course today.

What the Information Publishing PROFITS - How To Make $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products home study course can quickly do, is show you one of the easiest and most profitable ways to start your very own exciting and profitable business. 

Which is why you should at least request your copy today and then review everything in the comfort of your own home. Even start putting it to use if you like. 

Remember, you don’t have to keep it unless you want to, you are under no obligation. If you don’t feel it’s right for you, send it back at any time within 30 days and eShowcase Inc. will give you a full and prompt no-quibble refund. 

If, however, you do decide to keep it, you will have a money-making system in your possession which can provide you with an income for the rest of your life. In fact, you’ll not only have in your possession information which I believe you could use to build your very own $100,000+ per year business, but one where the potential to even generate far larger amounts of money really does still realistically exist. 


Request your personal copy of this amazing package right now and for the first time, you’ll learn about how to make a very substantial income selling simple information products from home. 

You’ll have the real opportunity of changing the way you live and make money. A way to become financially independent and free from everything that’s currently holding you back in your life. 

In fact, think of all the things you don’t like in your life at the moment. Now imagine finally being free from them all. It’s a nice feeling isn’t it?

So, open up a new life for yourself. Request this new breakthrough home study course now by clicking the button above and completing your details. Do this now, and over the next 30 days you will know beyond doubt that you can make an extremely comfortable living just by dealing in simple information products.


Bob Smith

Bob Smith

P.S. Don’t forget if you reply within 3 days you get the special free bonus package worth $147 which you get to keep even if you decide to return Information Publishing P.R.O.F.I.T.S. - How To Make $10,000-$35,000+ Per Month From Home With Simple Info Products. This bonus package remember includes a several bonus reports that will show you 

P.P.S. Remember, you’ll be learning about a business that could potentially make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the years ahead. A business that can and does generate sums in excess of $10,000 per month. This will be different from anything you’ve ever read before, and as it’s fully guaranteed, you really do have absolutely nothing to lost just for taking a look.

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